At Davidzon Law we are regularly called on by our clients to represent them in construction lien matters. We have experience working with contractors and subcontractors registering construction liens as a result of unpaid bills. We also have experience representing property owners who have had construction liens registered against their properties unfairly. Ontario’s Construction Lien Act provides a highly particular and specific regime for the registration of liens with very hard deadlines and specific criteria for the registration of a lien. All too often, contractors and subcontractors with legitimate claims lose their lien-rights due to following improper procedure. Similarly, property owners are often able to have improperly registered liens vacated from title to their property and even successfully receive damages from the party who improperly registered the lien. At Davidzon Law we have experience registering and perfecting construction liens and advocating for our clients in court through all stages of litigation.
Davidzon Law real estate law team are well versed in all aspects of commercial real estate law in Ontario and have years of experience acting on behalf of our clients to achieve their goals. We regularly work together with contractors, subcontractors and property owners to ensure that our clients’ interests are advanced and promoted. We understand that our client’s livelihoods are tied into their commercial real estate holdings and we are proud to represent them. If you would like to discuss a construction lien matter with a lawyer at Davidzon Law, please call us today to schedule a consultation.